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Flank Steak

Empire Valley Ranch, BC


Beef (100% Grass-fed) - Flank Steak

Farm: Empire Valley Ranch, BC

$26 each

0.5 kg


1 x Flank steak ~ 400-600g

The Flank Steak is cut from the abdominal muscles or the lower chest of the cow. The flank steak has tons of intense beefy flavor and can be stuffed, grilled, or seared. Because it comes from a strong, well-exercised part of the cow, it is best sliced against the grain before serving, to maximize tenderness.

    Quick facts

    • 100% Grass-Fed, Grass-Finished
    • No antibiotics or hormones used
    • Dry-aged for a minimum of 21 days
    • Vacuum packed + flash frozen
    • Cooking time: 10 minutes (8 hours marinade recommended)
    • Footprint: average 585 km from Farm to Vancouver


    Empire Valley Ranch | Churn Creek, BC

    Besides the high quality of beef, we have selected this farm because:

    • Their Heifers live in the wild on natural pasture all year round
    • Their Heifers drink from natural water sources
    • Ethically raised & managed with horses to minimize stress
    Read the full story on Empire Valley Ranch

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