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The Truth about Nitrates and Nitrites

The Truth about Nitrates and Nitrites

There is a lot of discussion around nitrates, nitrites, and nitrosamines, especially when it comes to processed meats (such as bacon and deli meats). It can be difficult to decipher fact from fiction, so what are these three compounds, and are they actually harmful? Read more...

Nothing stops a conversation faster than a label

Nothing stops a conversation faster than a label

There's A LOT of things to consider when choosing what kind of food to put into your body. Often times, we as consumers, take one quick glance at the label and settle for the minimal insight it provides. Here's why this needs to change, and what you can do instead. Read more...

This is what keeps our ranchers up at night!

This is what keeps our ranchers up at night!

When the Meatme team visited Empire Valley Ranch we saw John still in the tractor at 8pm. What we didn't understand was just how important hay is and that 8pm was no record smasher for the Holmes family. Read more...

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